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PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY:  Unique Little Hands Child Development Center believes in creating a stimulating environment for children in order to foster their exploration and creative skills. We believe in having developmentally appropriate materials available to children at all ages to inspire them to use their own thoughts and ideas to investigate materials.


We believe that parents play the most vital role in their child's education. Family involvement is the foundation for astrong, quality education. We believe in cultivating the art of inquiry along with critical and reflective thinking. It is vital to teach communication skills, allowing each child to communicate their ideas, emotions, and creative ability.


We believe that children learn through play. For example:

  • Social/Emotional Development: relationships with others, empathy, emotions.

  • Language and Literacy Development: writing, speech, sounds, hearing, name recognition.

  • Fine Motor Development: grasping/releasing objects, pincher grasp, turning pages of a book, feeding self, stacking objects, nesting objects, tearing paper, holding crayons, markers, etc.

  • Gross Motor Development: kicking, running, climbing, walking, rolling over, and pulling self-up, squatting, jumping, hanging.

  • Cognitive Development: imagination, curiosity, classifying, problem solving, cause and effect, sizes, shapes, space, time, math concepts and counting.

  • Sensory Development: touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight, sound.

  • Creative Representation: developing a sense of self through self-exploration, expressing self through dramatic play, using art materials to explore and be creative.


Children's attitudes about life, school, learning, people, and themselves are influenced by the quality of their interaction with others. Educators can have a lifelong influence on a child's behavior and attitudes and must be prepared to act as lifelong learners along with the children in which they facilitate learning.

PLACEMENT INTO OLDER CLASSES: Children are assessed for class placement into the older classes by chronological ages and in terms of their total development – social, physical and emotional. Interest level in the activities typical of each group is also taken into consideration, as is the actual availability of an open place at a particular time that matches the enrollment days of the child being moved. The classroom teacher is also consulted as to the readiness of the child. Parents will be notified and encouraged to set up a transitional conference with the new teacher.

5:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday


Website by Creative Copy & Design • Yorktown, VA 

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